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Exposure Opportunities

Many Greater Rockford Chamber members are looking for exposure opportunities to assist in their organization's growth. As a member, you have a variety of opportunities - in a price range that works for your budget.

Your exposure opportunities can include print, web, or e-newsletter advertisements. Members are also invited to submit articles for either The Voice or our blog.

We have a rolling calendar of opportunities - find the one that works best for your organization's needs and let's get started!


The Voice

6,000 issues are printed each month. Issues are mailed to Chamber members as well as distributed throughout the business community. Issues include relevant, educational information suitable for the business community. Each issue includes a special section focused on a specific topic. Advertisements and articles are welcome in both the general and special sections.

The Voice Now

Our e-newsletter is sent to 4,000+ contacts weekly, usually on Tuesdays. Issues include upcoming Chamber events, important business updates, and resources for business growth. Each issue welcomes new members, celebrates renewing members and highlights the accomplishments of members in the business community.

Web Advertisements

Our website is a resource for the business community as well as regional visitors. Our site includes information on business growth, our membership directory, economic development information, and more. While our website is information & membership-focused, we do provide limited advertising opportunities for our members.

Print Publications

We publish periodic print publications including an annual Membership Directory & Community Guide, a Welcome Home publication for those moving to the area, and The One Magazine that highlights the honorees from our rotating award program. Publications are printed and mailed to Chamber members and distributed throughout the business community.

Find Our Publication Calendar Here!

Learn more about deadlines, size specifications, and cost - including some FREE!
Remember - membership comes with advertising credit!