Click Here to View the Current Issue of The Voice
The VOICE of the Rockford Business Community is the Greater Rockford Chamber of Commerce's monthly newspaper, focusing on member news and area business issues.
It's free to members of the Greater Rockford Chamber of Commerce.
Article Submission Guidelines for The VOICE:
- Should be non-advertorial, informational articles appropriate for a business audience.
- Articles can coincide with the special section focus or be of general interest.
- Word count of 650-750 words.
- Photos can be included for consideration.
- All submissions will be edited for style, tone, and grammar.
- Please include a photo of the author and a brief bio (50 words or fewer).
- Send articles as a Word doc to editor@rockfordchamber.com.
- Deadline for submissions is the 5th of the month prior to publication, e.g. March issue deadline is February 5.
Tips for Authors:
- Write in a professional but conversational voice.
- Don’t stress about grammar and punctuation. That’s why we have an editor.
- No footnotes or hyperlinks. If you need to cite a source, please do so in the text of the article.
- Feel free to submit blog posts or articles provided by your company’s corporate office. Please modify with local information whenever possible.
Submit Your News and Press Releases to:
editor@rockfordchamber.com by the 5th of the month for inclusion in the following month's issue of:
- Networking & Community Events
- Business Briefs
- Members in the News (optional-include a head shot)
- Call Matt Zarembski at 815-997-6083 for information on advertising or for advertising rates.
- To get a copy of The VOICE mailed to your business or home, email your information to info@rockfordchamber.com
Previous issues are available here: